it's been ages since we've been really honest
Niro had been shaken though it was hard to shake the man, he just wanted to be home and in the arms of his mate, protected by his borders. He had gotten an agreement from at least Salsola which was enough for the man to ask, but he was quite intimidated by the woman that came to him. He wasn't one to scare easy though and he was able to work his way around things. The man had just finally entered Cour des Miracles coming in by shoreline. He'd felt better seeing the ocean after the meeting and kept to it as much of the ride home. It was comforting to the male, even though he would never sail on it ever again.

Niro was walking the horse, who in turn was tired as well. He didn't hurry home, but he didn't go as slow as possible. He knew the horse wanted back into the stables in the loving care of Alder, but when he saw Vigilante he knew the animal would have to wait. He could see the man was in deep thought, but it looked like he wasn't happy. Niro cleared his throat as he got close enough, hoping nothing bad happened.

"Hello my king, why such a sullen look?"

Niro asked giving a small smile, not knowing anything about Ayita and having more pups. Niro had been out or spending time with his family to notice much more outside that little circle, but now that he was back he was ready to get back into the groove again, and what better way than to meet up with his own king? He'd been away even for the meeting, though he knew about Strel, he did not know anything about Keese or his intentions, nor much else going on recently.

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