Ferreting around
"Perhaps when she's older and can move around on her own, then you can play with her."

Ferrets grew quickly too. He knew as much, though how quickly he didn't know. The man introduced himself and the child he had and Shaw smiled at them both, thankful that most of the pack didn't know that he'd once been the leader. It would be harder on Skye he knew, but she was the true leader, she was the spirit of the pack. At the question Shaw looked down contemplating.

"Yes... I might have a small problem. Ferrets are meat eaters, and goats aren't, and I learned a lot about milk from my travels... This milk might not be enough for a ferret, and I think she only has he milk teeth, might you know how i can at least get some meat in her? I hate to be picky, but she won't get what she needs if she just drinks this milk."

He said, wishing someone would offer up their own, but the puppies in the pack were far more important than any of the other animals so he would be afraid to ask. He'd find something though. He wouldn't let the baby die.

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