THinking of you, my love, once again
WC: 5+

The thing about most Irish songs is that they almost always have sad endings. If his life were an Irish song, he mused, she would have run off with Shaw, leaving Tal alone and brokenhearted. He waited, his hands in his pockets. When she appeared, he smiled warmly, relieved that she was indeed home. In seconds, he was approaching her, his hands reaching out to take hers. "My graceful beauty lives here. She has eyes as blue as a winter sky, and a voice as sweet as the softest song." His bi-colored eyes danced as he lavished his extravagant compliments on the hybrid woman. "Perhaps, fair maid, you have seen her?" He gave her a roguish wink, his tail wagging slowly.

Before he spoke again, he drew his free hand through his short messy mane. It was just a small tic, one that was endearingly Tal. However, if one were observing it also served to pull the mane away from the cut over his blue eye, removing it from the hiding place it rested in and exposing it to the sun's light. He looked her in the eyes, troubled shadows lurking behind the smile.

"Sky... I was told something the other day. And I'm not normally so insecure... but I fell I need to know something." He was gazing down at her, his smile gone and replaced by a troubled look. The memory of Shaw yelling at him that he and Sky had... had slept together... it tore him up. He didn't want to know, he didn't want to hear about how Shaw was a better kisser, about how Shaw was the greatest lover. He hadn't planted the rose bushes so his heart could be torn to shreds when she continued to choose Shaw over him. He looked away, not wanting to watch her eyes darken, not wanting to see the truth in them.

It was like a car accident. The more you wanted to look away, the more you stared. His eyes returned to hers, his teeth nibbled on the inside of his lip anxiously. "Sky... I spoke with Shaw the other day. He said a lot of different things. I like to think they were all just to hurt me. Sky..." He fell silent, afraid to ask, but needing to know the ending to the song. After a silent hesitation, he whispered the question he dreaded the answer to.

"Sky, did you really sleep with Shaw since he's been back?" He felt anguished even needing to ask, as if asking were somehow impugning her honor. He needed to know, though, needed to know if he should just walk away now. He needed to know if he needed to make amends with Shaw for throwing the first punch, if he needed to somehow concede that he had infact, lost the battle for Sky's heart.

He'd never even intended for it to be a battle, really. He had fallen in love with a single woman. He had never expected Shaw to come back. He didn't want to think that maybe it was just a summer romance to her. He wanted her, her heart, all of her, forever. His mate, forever. Not until they got bored and found other lovers, but for all their lives.


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