Picnic and Songs

OOC - Smileyay rory and mya. Hope you don’t mind me sort of being Saorise. ^^

Word Count → 355

She woke when Rose began to cry. Stirring from her sleep as a tiny little body, slammed with all the force it could manage into her stomach. “Wose wake!” The whine was hinting that she was in desperate need of something delicious for breakfast. Mya sat up, brushing the kitten to be on the bed beside her gently. “Shh, Rose. Saorise might not be awake yet!” Her eyes looked up over toward the sleeping pup who might have stirred at Rose’s noise. Judging by the light from the window, she figured it was time to get up however.

The female looked to her side, the bed long empty and cold on Rory’s side. Letting out a happy, and peaceful sigh she stepped out of the bed and went to a mirror hanging on the wall close to Rory’s side. Her hair was in need of brushing, and her clothes wrinkled; she figured her irish love would be back soon and it was appropriate to fix herself up.

She dug through one of the many boxes of abandoned belongings in the living room and found some more clothes,(A pink shoulder-showing top with a big turquoise butterfly and white denim shorts). Saorise woke up after a while, so Mya tended to her and got her soft pup-fur brushed out and looking nice. Rose still followed her around, mewing in her hunger. “We’ll eat when Rory comes back.” Her tone of voice was gently stern, a mother’s voice none the less. She combed through her naturally curled hair until she was satisfied and slipped on the new clothes that surprisingly fit perfect just as a knock at the door caught her attention.

Rory stood there in the door, as cute as always. A little basket in his arm as well as his mandolin. She gave him a sweet smile and said, “Oh my, who might this stud be?” Her hips rocking as she leaned against the door way, checking out her new boyfriend, who seemed to be perfect as he had already prepared the picnic. “Ready to go? Saorise is in the bedroom, I think.”

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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