What we can endure
Shiloh had been at it again. Walk... ignore the pain.... walk she thought as she ventured away from the house she had been stuck in for weeks. She was able to make it to the steps outside now with out much pain and she had fixed her splint so it set her ankle better. She was still feeling the sharp pains of healing on her stomach but the wounds were closing up nicely. She still wasn't able to change the gauze wrappings by herself but she knew if she had to she could how for someone to help her. She knew she would need fur clothing for the winter and was trying to find someone or a shop she could hopefully trade with when she got back to AniWaya... If she ever wanted to go back. Shiloh had been thinking a lot lately about AniWaya and the people she had left behind. She had only just seen Ayasha who was worried about her. She missed the white wolf and her family. But was going back to AniWaya worth the trouble. She told herself she wouldn't go back if Maska was in power and his guards still around.

She hobbled from one building to another and was just turning the corned of another building when she slammed right into someone. "Aieeeeee!" she exclaimed as she tried to catch her balance and grabbed at the person she had bumped into as she started to fall. She hit the ground kind of hard and stay where she fell. She had tweaked her ankle some and it throbbed something awful as she gasped though the pain that clouded her vision. She was lucky none of her whip marks had opened and as she attempted to roll over she hoped the person she had ran into wasn't staring at her like Bangle and his family had. She was already self conscious and people tended to stay away from scarred people like her.

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