What we can endure
Distracted as she was, Orin didn’t hear the injured woman walking just around the alley corner until it was too late. Something crashed into her, and Orin let out a scream. After all she’d been through, she earned the right to be jittery and scream bloody murder when something she wasn’t expecting slammed into the back of her.

She lurched forward, lunging away from danger, every inch of her hair standing on end, much like the old tom she’d been talking to would have done. Her foot paws connected with the ground once more and she spun around to confront whatever evil was after her… but found nothing more than an wounded woman.

Orin gasped, a shock of sympathy jolting through her as she saw the multiple gashes and bandages that adorned the gray woman. “Oh my GOD! she yelped. It never occurred to her that the woman might be self conscious of all of her bandages. Instead, Orin did what Orin does best, react emotionally.

She moved to the woman’s side and crouched down. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the woman had been through, or how badly it must have hurt her to be knocked to the ground like that. She held her hands out, trying to stay her. “Don’t move, you’re hurt.” Well DUH! “Stay here, I’ll go get help.” She was about to take off, to run to one of her pack mate’s house to find someone who could check the scarred woman over and then carry her back to her shelter; the very shelter that she’d been cooped up in for days and that was probably giving her cabin fever by now. Still, Orin didn’t know any of this, and she was far too tiny to pick the woman off of the ground herself.


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