I'll Make a Man Out of You
Tired-fail-post-derp T-T

"Perfect," Noss said to the man as he checked his work over the horse, giving a satisfied nod when it was done. Alaster and Ahiga were still fascinated by the man. Alaster became absolutely enraptured by him, though, when the hawk came flying through. Immediately the boy bounced around his brother to the other male's side to gaze up admiringly at the bird, marveling at its coloration and build. The boy certainly had a love for animals, that was for sure. Noss only hoped that didn't hinder any hunting ability...

"Shall we then?" Noss asked as he unceremoniously scooped the pups from their stance in front of the man into the bags on the horse's side. At their size they wouldn't be able to keep a good pace with the two males, and having them tire before the lesson even begun was utterly pointless. From the sack their heads poked out, patiently waiting as Noss shifted to his own secui form, which would serve his purposes fair enough. It took maybe two minutes tops, and when he was done he took Taima's reigns in mouth and gave a gentle tug, signalling the horse to follow. Noss did not converse much along the way other than the stray comment to Niro and instruction to his nephews, who seemed to be having more fun on the horse than actually paying attention to the fact that they were going on a hunt. So long as they were quiet when they got near prey. "Anything?" Noss asked casually as he loped next to his hunting companion, Taima a little behind at a steady trot that was bordering on a gallop.

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.


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