cleansing burn

OOC: sorry for the wait, been absent. We can end this pretty soon if you would like :]

Word Count → 504

The male had told her where he was from. Some place called the "court". She had not heard of such a place and she was quite curious about it but she failed to ask about it because he seemed to be bitter about the place. It was apparently to the west of here, or to the west in general so she might look for it later when she had the time, but she did not really worry about it. Venom had noticed from far off that the male had discarded the knife that was at his hip, so Venom was slightly less paranoid but he still was guarded, for that's what his job was to be. He stared at the gray male with those almost harsh hazel eyes while Panda's orders were obeyed by the male. He tilted his head back for her, and closed the eye that would be affected by the alcohol. She took the cork off the top of the bottle and she tipped it on the male's face. She noticed that she was in fact, taller than the male, but this did not bother her, if only because she had been taller than many in her lifetime. She realized long ago that she had inherited her family's taller genes and that the wolves up here were bred bigger down where she was from for whatever reason. She had a soft smile on her face, though she saw that the male recoiled slightly at the touch of the alcohols cleansing bubbling.

He had asked her why her ears were like the way they were. Truth was, she didn't know why her parents had done such a thing to her, and she hadn't realized that it was not normal until she was older and she was asked about it. My parents had it done when I was really little. she started to speak, pausing slightly as if she was looking for the right words to say or something. I don't really remember what it feels like to have normal ones. Nor do I really remember what excuse they gave to me when I asked them why my ears were different. she spoke, shrugging her shoulders and tilting her dreadlocked head. I'm going to put this gauze on it so that it won't get any germs in it. she spoke, holding up the roll of gauze. She proceeded to help the male by wrapping the wound up and making sure to not cover his good eye and his ear as well. You should change this to make sure that you don't get too much blood on it. she instructed the male, letting him know about keeping it clean. Salt water should also help clean it. Be careful of how far you wade into the water though. Not sure what fish might try to get a taste of your face, ya'know? the woman spoke to him, nodding her head lightly.

So...What's your name, sir? the woman asked, remembering that he never had told her his name.

Image courtesy of Ha-Wee@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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