dawn of a new day

The sound of footfalls drew the female’s head away from the stream. A minnow flickered in her mouth, and she parted her jaws enough to let it drop back into the water. Despite that last comical action, however, Vesper was completely alert, ears pricked and light blue eyes sharp as she stared into the surrounding woods.
However, it was not long before the other creature presented itself—herself—with an easygoing and humored remark about how fish were better when cooked.

Rather than reply right away, the loner let her eyes wandered over the other female. She was built strongly, yet at the same time there was a lean cast to her body. Shredded ears indicated that she’d fought before, while oddly bright green eyes appraised the fishing coywolf. She was quite lovely, really, with a nice hue of chocolate in her fur.

“Cook fish,” Vesper echoed, smirking. She always seemed to smirk; smiles and grins came difficulty to her, but she did have quite a range when smirking. “I might have to try that sometime, if I ever have the resources.” She stepped away from the water and fully faced the other canine, lifting a small paw and dangling it in front of her. “First off, thumbs.”

Luperci were beings that the loner was not unfamiliar with. She had never been fully acquainted with one, but many seemed to reside around ’Souls. She had seen their unnatural, two-legged bodies and observed them at a distance, slightly revolted yet slightly intrigued. They looked ungainly, large and clumsy, but at the same time, there were aspects of them that Vesper found herself admiring.

But that was not how she had been born, so she never considered the lifestyle in more than a passing thought.

“So who are you?” Vesper asked, her tone not totally friendly but not in the least impolite. She sniffed the larger female from the distance, able to tell that she was younger than her and in pretty good condition. There were traces of what might have been a pack on her, but if she was part of one, she hadn’t been for long enough to reek of them. Once she’d finished gathering what she could from scent, her eyes jumped back to the torn ears and the odd green jewelry that adorned them. “And how did you get those?”

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