lovely meal mrs. Io [p]

OOC here!

Word Count → 300

She had been dwelling on her arguement with Aeron a few days ago. A human cooking book clutched within one of her hands as she strolled down the corridors of the ghostly caverns. Her eyes had been not on the trail she walked but tracing the nooks in the wall, considering her plan that was now closer than ever. All she needed was for Aeron to agree a date with her when they'd ride to AniWaya to find Leon. She only wish the boys were here so she could tell them of her devilish plan. Soon she'd be rid of her least favourite forms, that was if all went to plan. She hadn't been really paying attention, and her grip on the book had gotten loose, so when the dark male bumped into her she came back to earth.

Giving her usual sly smirk she shrugged at his apology, 'Hmmm, Madam? Seems so people do have manners', she chuckled breifly, the laugh itself low in tone. 'I would lay off of the thinking if I were you, seems your more built for other things'. He was muscled, Io saw as she traced his body with her eyes, not bad... She smiled and went back to staring him in the eyes, 'I suppose I should apologise too' she said slowly, and that was it. Her apology was over in a flash.

She leant down to retrive her book from the floor, large bold writing in her home tongue stood out from the cover. 'Io Berlin' she answered, smirking. Although he was muscle, he was still pretty thin, and with a frown she did something that she didn't usually do. 'You are pretty lean right now are you not?' She tilted her head. Spinning around on her heels, 'Come, I can cook you that meat'.

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