lovely meal mrs. Io [p]

Itzal is very messed up. wc: 548

Itzal noticed that she also gave him a smirk, one that seemed natural to her. At least he wasn't the only person around that did that. He chuckled as she mentioned manners. He did have manners, and he use to use them way to much. Now he didn't really care about manners, but he still used them. "I try to be civilized, in a world full of beast." He knew that he was one of those beast, a very big one. You are different. More accepting of me. Why? He felt the darker part of him stir, as it spoke to him in its special way, as if Itzal could read its body language. Because I no longer fear you, and no longer fear what I am. I'd rather embrace it and have a fun time then try and control you. He had begun speaking to it more regularly, not keeping it locked down as tight as before. The other voices hadn't spoken in a while. He wasn't sure how he felt about those right now. And it didn't matter as long as they didn't show themselves.

He smirked and snickered at her comment about what he was built for. "You are probably right. Thinking is a bad habit of mine. But I can never seem to stop doing it." He shrugged, and laughed at her supposed apology. He didn't care, she could have just told him he was an idiot for bumping into her and he would have smiled and laughed. Because this was all just turning into a game for him. Talking to these people, flirting with some, charming others, annoying those he couldn't charm. Cause for all of them, they didn't have any idea that deep inside he was actually craving their death. Well, maybe Axelle knew, but that was probably it. He loved the how he could feel that inside him, how much their lives were worthless to him, but he continued to act as if he cared. Of course, sometimes he cared, but most of the time he didn't. They were all monsters usually anyways. He was just a worse one than most.

"Nice to meet you Io." he said, giving a slight nod. He was about to say good bye and head on to the cold storage when she surprised him by mentioning how thin he was.Then she told him she would cook the raw meat he had caught. He was shocked for a moment, then smiled. "Okay. It wouldn't be right to refuse such a generous offer." Maybe this female wasn't to cold. He was a complete stranger after all, but she was going to cook for him just because he looked thin? The people in this pack saw each other as family, maybe that was why she was doing this. Either way, he followed her. He did need to eat, and maybe he could grow to like cooked meat. He wondered if this female cooked often. He figured that there would be enough for the two of them, or maybe more than enough. He would give her anything left over. He had hidden the carcass, so as long as he didn't wait to long so it didn't start to break down, he could always get more meat from it.

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