Echos in the darkness

Word Count → 310 :: Teo and Camilla in their optime forms. :3

Come on, Cami! Hurry up! Matteo called over his shoulder in feigned annoyance. Behind him, down the hill a few feet, Camilla scrambled after him on less steady paws, complaining to herself in Italian as she hopped onto a particularly unstable boulder that almost made her lose her balance completely.

I'm smaller than you are, Teo! I can only climb so fast! She barked back as her older brother stepped down and into the Veil's wide gape. He stopped there, though, eyes drifting over the area and eventually landing on a stranger there. A black lady with a scar over her eye, her scent now becoming obvious as he looked at her. She wasn't of Anathema.

His first instinct told him to chase her out of the veil and back into unclaimed territory. However, he held back with only a warning growl (one that brought Camilla to a wobbly halt behind him) and the lifting of his fur, tail and ears.

Who are you and why are you so far into Anathema Territory!? This was said with a flashing of sharp teeth and defendsively angry eyes. Teo wasn't one to pick a fight with a stranger, at least. If the lady were friendly, he'd be glad to explain the issue and get back on good terms. If she wasn't? Well, he wasn't afraid to scar a women either. She'd have to answer to that Trovato temper if she had any complaints.

Behind him, Camilla had hunched over on her boulder with teeth bared and hackles high, even more defensive than her brother. She kept quiet though, not wanting to butt in where she didn't really belong or anything. Her brother could handle this just fine. For now, she'd watch and learn.

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