"Siri!" Tal declared with a yip as the scent reached his nose, how could he have not recognized his nephew?!? The suddenly happy pup tackled Sirius playfully wagging his tail happily. When Sirius had left Tal had been a bit disappointed, but it affected him less than anybody else; he didn't have much attachment to anybody, or anything, except maybe his mum.
He wasn't sure why he felt so close to Deuce, or why he didn't feel close to anybody else. Even Noah felt like a distant relative, a cousin that one sees on occasion but isn't close to. He had all the wirings to be a wanderer, and the wanderlust had already struck. He was ready to travel, to leave everybody behind and to see the world. It was an odd sensation to want to leave home, most always wanted to come home, but he wanted the road to be his home, he wanted to be his own leader.
"Where 'ou been?" Tal decided to ask Sirius, more out of curiosity than a real desire to know, or caring. Curiosity was one of the other reasons why Taliesin Dir Rhiannon was ready to travel. He was curious to see and know everything that there was, but a pack life was simply too limited. He needed, yes, he NEEDED to leave! Every thought came back around to this, and he knew that this was the right decision.

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