Hunting on strange lands
Out of Character

ooc text. Awwwwww this is soo cute OwO

In Character

Akira looked at rain as he looked at her. It looked like he was enjoying the view aswell, probably that was the cause of him choosing that uncovered and unprotected place to set a camp. She inclined her head at one side as he talked again, he didn't wanted her to stay on the floor? Akira was sure that he lied when he said that he wasn't going to sleep that night, the large female chuckled softly, it was so funny and interesting to be with him. but then he asked "Who hurt you?" Suddenly Akira stopped laughing and looked at the floor.

It wasn't nice for her to remember what happen the night when her parents and pack died, thought she didn't blamed Rain for asking, it was simple and pure curiosity and it looked like he was really sorry for just asking that question. It is ok, it isn't anyone's fault what happened. Hardly she smiled again into the male's direction. Oh common we can't always be sorry for something that happened, and you really shouldn't be sad for that. We are here and that's all what matters. She sat back next to him putting one of her arms around her shoulders in a kind of half-hug. For some strange reason she didn't wanted to watch him sad, she just wanted to see him smile and be happy. It was a strange feeling...

Akira lives "Akira talks" Akira thinks

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