Echos in the darkness

Word Count → 310 :: Teo's used to his brother, who towers over him. x3 Don't underestimate the little guy.

Camilla was the first to hide her fangs again, letting her head tilt back defiantly and her ears flick back a touch soon after. Her hazel eyes gleamed with suspicion and nerves, unsure of what to make of the situation now. The wolf ahead was huge compared to her, which meant Matteo might not stand much of a chance either.

But her brother wasn't afraid. He knew the stranger's size could prove to be problematic to him should a fight arise, though he had speed and experience over the other without doubt, even at a young age such as his. But the wolf was backing down, as hoped. He allowed her time to speak and in doing so, lowered his own lips back over his teeth with a dominant but non-hostile stance.

Anathema lands are not free to roam, stranger. You're lucky I caught you and not my mate; he'd have torn you a new ribcage if he'd caught you here. Teo's tone was that of a careful warning now, the time of fighting words having passed quickly and without harm. No questions asked.

Camilla, seeing that her brother was no longer enraged, lowered her hackles the last little bit and stared curiously and unsuredly at the stranger. Her mind raced in thought, questions she'd like to ask and wonderments of where this wolf had come from and where she'd been on her travels. The life of a loner, a rogue, enticed the younger Trovato... though she preferred her life with her brother and his family more.

I won't send you away just yet, though. I might as well show you what you're allowed to see. Saying no would've just encouraged her anyway. Matteo took a few steps to the side to let Camilla off he rocks and offered his hand in a more friendly greeting. I'm Matteo Trovato, Anatheman Anzu. This is my sister, Camilla. She's a Zepar. He waved his hand over towards the younger girl in introduction then finally offered a faint smile. The Veil of Fenris isn't the safest place if you don't know how to trek the caves. I can show you around but we can't go past the main tunnel. Beyond that's pack-only stuff and we'd have to swim to get there anyway. Not that he wanted to show off his hiding spot to a stranger anyway.

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