Make me Believe


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Truth be told, he was not very familiar with the current Dahlia de Mai ranks as of yet. When Cercelee asked about Lilium, he did not fully understand, but by the nature of it, he assumed it was a leader rank. Sure he did want to, but why so suddenly? He had planned to build up trust before aiming for higher ranks within the guild. Everything would be much easier from that standing point, and he would have the opportunity to go on and attempt to include the other packs at once. His ears flickered gently as she revealed how she herself had been placed on the top. Colibri disappointed him.

Respect was something that went both ways, no matter who had the upper hand and pretty title. While she preferred working with the pack from the inside, he was the garbage man, and they would fit good as a leader pair, because they would do each their part of the job. This was what he had gone about whispering all the time, that the pack appeared weak. In saying that he had not intentionally targeted Cercelee, but Colibri. He knew how she was, her nature had become too delicate and fragile to handle ugly matters. She had shown that already, and he was displeased with her because she had in fact been the one responsible for his sister. Her sister had lost her litter, and there had been no action taken except for his.

It just came so suddenly, that’s all.. She seemed sincere enough, even though the thought of a trap had poked his brain at one point. I can easily handle what others may not, as for respect, I will bow my head if you slightly tip yours. In other words; If she demanded respect from him, she would be granted it. Not just because it was something she wanted, but because he saw he had grown since he had seen the young being wander away to continue living on her own and not with the father and daughter. However, it also meant that he demanded at least a tiny respect from her. He would have to sacrifice a lot of himself in such a position, and he was not used to that. Nothing was impossible though. He was up for the challenge.


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