lovely meal mrs. Io [p]

I'm leaving what she puts into the meat vauge so you can chose Itz's response. a bit of pp, tell me if you want it changed ^^ also this fhlails

Word Count → 304

'Come then' Io said, quickly, continuing to waltz down the corridors of the caverns. She made her way through the winding caverns through to her own home. Quickly poking her head around the curtain to see if Aeron was in. It didn't seem like she was, so after checking Itzal was following her she slung the curtain to the side and walked through the main room and into the kitchen type room. Some rabbits were slung up from a ridge, blood dripping from their slit throats and into the collecting tray below. Thankfully the cave was freezing and the blood was in no threat of spoiling. Io pulled out a flatish metal pot and lit a fire beneath the grill. The smoke lifted up and slipped through the holes in the roof. She held her hand out of the meat and Itzal passed it to her. Inspecting the meat she nodded to herself, the russet and white woman threw it onto the hot plate and began to hunt through the wooden box beside her. She took out tub and bottles, placing them back away and keeping a few out. Next she grabbed a measuring cup and one by one she measured out spices and herbs before throwing them into the meat dish. She stood, taking the cup and scooping a small amount of rabbit blood into it before pouring it onto the meat. Taking out a plastic spatula, she filpped the meat for a while, evening out the spices and herbs.

After a while the meat was done, after quickly cutting a slice of and eating it Io decided it was done. And after silently pointing to the table and chairs in the main cave, she dished it up and served it. 'There, done'. It look tasty,, but then again Io was always biased.

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