Hunting on strange lands

ooc text. same here, i am about to cry :'(

Akira Youali

Akira watched how the male pulled himself away, she noticed the sad look on his eyes. Akira wasn't a selfish person so she noticed that he wasn't so sad because harming her. She already knew that everyone got problems. Such a problematic world. She whispered, really sometimes world just sucked and she wasn't able to do anything for others when they needed help. These male named Rain was prove of it, he also lost someone by his or someone else fault so he was able to understand Akira's pain.

The big she-wolf stand up and walked toward Rain. She surrounded him with her arms, she feeled a big relief for knowing that there was atleast one person that understood her and that person was him. You must not be sorry for anything. All the problems have a solution and we all can keep on. She said pressing her face against his neck still holding him. It was a nice feeling of having him so close to her. Tomorrow she must keep on and leave him even if she wanted to follow him Rain wouldn't let her go with him. So she just hugged him in her own version of a goodbye.

Akira Lives Akira Talks Akira thinks

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