Will tomorrow know?

ooc buisness

Cercelee composed herself to look displeased as the male arrived, padding up with eyes filled with sleep, while she herself was brimming with energy. Swishing her tail in mock annoyance, she peered at him through narrowed navy eyes. "My dear boy, you have to try not to be so lazy. This is truly the best part of the day, and I don’t think I have any use in my pack for those who waste the whole day away." Her words came out in a rare tone, one she’d never used in front of Slay before and certainly never directed at him, scornful and arrogant, but very convincing. Cercelee was the master actress, and she stared Slay down a few more moments before she broken into a grin and nudged him playfully on the should, shrugging as if to say I can’t help myself sometimes. She liked to play, she liked to act, she liked to trick others.
"Anyway, my dear friend," her good natured, musical voice had returned, brimming once again with childlike joy, "it is indeed morning, and that means breakfast." Cercelee waved her tail in the air as she inhaled the fresh morning air deeply. Breakfast was always best if eaten around this time of the day. "And you, sir, are the hunter of this pack, are you not? So, pray tell, what is on the menu?" Cercelee grinned at him, putting him on the spot. Yes, not only did he have to wake early to see what she wanted, he had to decide what they would hunt, and Cer got to enjoy teasing him all morning long. Life was nice.


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