Off to the glue factory
Yay for Noah and Robin friendship Smile

The little female knew that she was being naughty, she couldn't help it though, she had been to the stables every day to see the golden skinned mare with the pale mane and tail. Every day she had gone and sat with her, petted her soft nose and giggled as she snuffled at her own multicoloured mane, she had been every day to tell her stories of her adventures and the mare had listened with patience and what seemed to be enjoyment. The little female had become very fond of her and so this morning she had snuck into the stables, her Optime form was becoming more familiar now, she was no longer wobbling as she walked and had even begun to manage small bursts of running and skipping, the little patchwork girl was overjoyed to be able to use this form now, she was much more confident with it now, she was finally getting the hang of it. This confidence had also brought an idea to her mind, she had mentioned it casually to her father this morning, muttering the second part of her plan quietly so that he knew where she was going, but perhaps not quite what she was going to do. With this she had bounded out of the house, racing toward the stables as fast as her young legs would carry her, only tripping once this time, maaging to catch herself before she tumbled head over heels. Soon she found herself at the stables, she bounced through quickly, grinning as she saw the mare's familiar face hanging over the stable door, she seemed to have been anticipating Robin's visit. With another grin the small girl walked over to the large mare, the patient female still dwarfing her little friend, she raised a muted gray hand and rested it on the mare's large nose, the pale female snuffled at the girl's other hand which was held just below her mouth, accepting the handful of grass that the girl was holding out for her. She smiled at the mare, stroking her nose softly, looking at the female's large liquid eyes, there was no fear in her eyes now, she was comfortable around the patchwork girl, the little female dared to hope that she was as fond of her as the young wolf was of her. She leant closer to the mare's ear and whispered conspiratorally, "Daddy says I can have my own horse if I want, but I mustn't ride one without any supervision... I have chosen you! I have even picked a name for you, I think you should be called Scarlett, what do you think?" The patchwork adventurer whispered, the mare gave a small whinny, which made Robin bounce up and down excitedly, she was sure that that meant that she liked the name. The girl had selected it with care, taking it from her favourite book, Will Scarlett was one of Robin Hood's merry men, one of his most trusted friends and fellow cohort, this would suit her plans for the mare completely. The little fae knew that the horse could not understand her speech, although she always seemed to show signs of it, perhaps she understood more than she would admit. The little patchwork female grinned and began telling Scarlett of her day, telling her all of her adventures since she had last seen the mare, with proper embellishment of course, she did not want it to get boring for the golden skinned mare after all.

Soon she tired of telling stories, she smiled at the mare and whispered again, "I haven't seen Noss around so he wont get grumpy, would you like to come with a walk with me? You can see all the adventures I have. Would you like that Scarlett?" Again the mare let out a whinny, which the patchwork girl took to be a resounding yes, again she bounced up and down with excitement, clapping her hands together.
"Oh we're going to have so much fun Scarlett, just you want and see!" She exclaimed, the mare tossed her head at this, seeming to be nodding, which only delighted the patchwork girl more. She bounded off through the stable hall, finding a halter on a nail of an empty stall, she paced back to the mare and gently slipped it over her head, the mare stood still, lowering her large head so that the little female could reach properly. Little gray fingers worked carefully, albeit a little clumsily as she placed the halter collar on the female, doing up the buckles carefully, she felt she was doing rather well, she was working from her memories of seeing Noss and her father halter the horses around here. After a few tangled sections of the soft rope the little female finally managed to get the halter on the right way around and done up properly, carefully she tied a section of rope onto the loop attatched to the base of the collar, holding onto it tightly she heaved on the stiff lock of the door, soon it came loose and the heavy door swung open and the tall mare was free. Another horse might have bolted out at this point, dragging the little multicoloured female through the stable and out into the grassy lands beyond, luckily for the little fae, who had not really thought of the dangers letting a horse out might have posed, the mare was calm and patient, stepping out of her stall slowly, moving to snuffle at the female again, seeming pleased to finally be close enough to do this properly. The pair walked out slowly, Robin leading, the mare walking slightly behind her, nudging the girl's patchwork shoulder every now and again as they walked, seeming to be trying to reassure the little female that she was still following her, though that doubt had not crossed the little girl's mind, this mare was part of her merry men now, she would not leave her.

Soon the pair had walked quite a way, the mare now walking beside her new owner, Robin talked constantly, explaining all of the things that they were seeing as they passed them, telling Scarlett of her adventures and showing her all of the places that they had taken place, Scarlett watched her with her liquid brown eyes, seeming to be taking in what she was saying, adding small whinnies and nickers every now and again, pausing here and there to snatch leaves from nearby trees or grass from the ground, chewing as they walked. It was not long before she suddenly let out a snort of surprise, beginning to drum her hooves on the ground nervously, Robin looked in the direction the mare was staring, seeing the misbehaving horse toss the grey male from her back.
"Oh dear, we better go and check he's alright Scarlett!" The little girl exclaimed, beginning to walk towards the male, Scarlett stood still though, snorting, showing that she was uncomfortable. The little female raised a muted grey hand to the female's nose and then her neck, stroking her softly.
"Come now, we must have courage, he might be really hurt, we have to go and help him, even if he is a stranger, he wont hurt you, I wont let him." She said, trying to comfort the startled horse, slowly the mare began to follow Robin, her steps still too slow and cautious for the patchwork girl's liking. But eventually they reached the pair, she watched the male tell his horse off and giggled slightly, it was funny to see a grown male give such a childish answer.
"Hello there, are you alright?" She asked, stroking Scarlett's neck gently as she did so, the mare was still unnerved and the little girl was trying to calm her, she didn't want their first outing together to be a bad experience for the cream female.

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Table by Erin


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