New Beginning... True Belonging.
Mya heard his offer loud and clear, but her thoughts were to busy whirling in her head to immediately form a reply. She took a breath, considering everything. She liked Tal a lot, but she didn't want to look to eager and certainly would never approve of herself giving into someones offer. Her mother had taught her that some things, like precious belongings or a house, wasn't always something that should be accepted. Some questions were offered in hopes of proper declines.

"Well, that's very kind. But I think we're better off finding some sort of place of our own. If I were to stay here, I'd never find the perfect place." She flashed an apologetic smile and added on, "Plus, we've narrowed down a couple of houses. I'll have to keep in mind that detail about stone." She looked toward the windows of the house, spying that the sun was sinking lower in the sky every minute and soon it'd be appropriate to leave Tal's side to find the house to try out for the night.

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