I'll play you a wicked melody
OOC: Late >_> And yes, I seem to have that effect on people XD

"It would be foolish to pass up your offers," she said in all seriousness. The first time she had met Bangle had been by chance, but it had been beneficial. She had then continued her dealings with the coywolf, and found the business further advantageous. Sadly she had not been able to continue such dealings since Maska's arrival, but she found the man's friendship invaluable nonetheless.

Ralla sighed in regret at his offer. "It's not so simple. Cercatori's too close to AniWaya, and I'm afraid Maska's very adamant about keeping the tribe in the territory. He's already prosecuted the Utina family for running away, but..." She couldn't abandon the tribe; not now. She would never. Her children, on the other hand, had no obligation to see the tribe through such horror--not yet, at least. "I thank you for your offer, though. It is very kind." The hybrid's reaction to her asking about his mate had not been what she had been expecting, and it concerned her a little. Asking much further into the matter would surely be seen as rude, though, so she held her tongue in check there. "Thaniel?" she queried instead, not knowing that perhaps this was a subject far more sensitive than the state of Bangle's mate. Her foresight told her fortunes, pasts, presents, and futures, but unless certain rights were observed, she could not divinate such things as if she were the moon or Great Spirit themselves.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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