[m]Concious Fists
Shawchert wasn't a heartless man but he would refused the man anywhere in his pack, especially near Sky who was their healer. He may have had plenty of feelings for Orin, but he would care for Sky as well, for he had loved her once, and to find her treating a man who tried to desecrate something so special, he just couldn't think of it. He knew Sky would look after the man's wounds, No matter what happened, but Shaw wasn't willing to take chances.

"There are a few packs between here. One of them has a healer, just head south I'm sure they would help a poor soul like yourself.

Shaw said. Both of his hands were clutching his side wound which was still bleeding as nicesly as Rurik's back. They both had done a fair bit of damage to each other, but it was clear who the winner had been. Shaw wasn't about to turn his back to the border quite yet and have his wounds looked after until he saw the last of the man.

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