lovely meal mrs. Io [p]

Word Count → 000

She laughed, 'If your looking for my pack you'll need to get a boat, I have not seen any such around here'. Even Inferni had their Salvus rank. In Anathema, even with their lack of a cook rank she had made her experiance with pups useful. In Cesarski she had been a pup herder, as Galileo put it, at a younger age. And with her plan coming ever closer, that was something she could gain the upper hand in. She grinned internally, mostly at the ingeniousity of her plan. So well placed, Aeron had agreed ad she assumed her male would. And if not, there was Goran, granted he had expressed intrest. But he'd jsut leave when he saw his work was done.

She smiled again, without embarassment as Itzal continued to compliment her. He spoke of payment but she shook her head, 'That is not nessiscary. Unless you can think of something'. She shrugged, it was his choice really, she was simply doing her duty. But if he wanted to pay her she would mind what he did or gave her in repayment. She really wasn't bothered. 'I'm just glad that you are well fed and happy'. She only cared because they were pack mates, and she could cook.

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