Light My Fire

Word Count → 000

'K-k-k-Kable...' he managed to stutter out, eyes wide and his grin awkward. She liked the flower. SHE REALLY LIKED IT! This was going very, very well. Although Kable didn't know much about girls, save from the steriotypical pup knowledge. But he knew lots about people! And people who asked you to dance and smiled at you liked you! It was a fact he knew very well, his mother smiled a lot at him and he was sure, no, certain she liked him. More loved him in fact. Which is why he now understood why she had shouted at him when he came back after disappearing.

He twirled around with the girl, Pearl was what she had said her name was. Wait, didn't she have another name> He had one, Catori and it was the same as his mother's. 'Don't you have another name? A... second name? Like Catori?' he couldn't think of the correct word. It was surname, but he didn't know that. The only other person he knew that didn't have a surname, his dad. But he had me no one else without a surname. Vigilante had one, and Niro and Kable himself, but this girl was odd without one.

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