Stepping stones of life
She had taken the soap grateful that she could finally wash away the blood and filth that had been making her body heavy. The soap smelled of lilies and lavender and as she scrubbed at what little fur she had, her ears twitched to listen to Bangles soft strumming. She wanted to answer his question but she knew she would break down while telling him.

"I had just gotten back from a trip with my mate. Saxif had gone with me to keep me safe and to hunt for me. I had been raped a few weeks prior to this trip. I was going home so I could move on with the death of my family. Saxif and I fell in love during the trip and were happy when we came home till we found out about the new people that had de-ranked our chief and many others for following him. I knew something was wrong. I wasn't standing for the new leader and I openly told one of the guardians that. He had attacked me and hurt me during our first confrontation. He didn't think I learned my lesson the first time..." she paused and looked over at Bangle trying not to cry as she continued.

He had found me with my horse and dragged me out and tied me to a post. He had a companion and they both beat me trying to make me submit to them and the new leader. I was whipped countless times and the main guardian broke my ankle while my mate tried to save me. We were exiled and we came here for refuge and medical help. I am broken Bangle. I have a split personality that keeps my mate away. I feel like a monster... no one can love me not even my own mate..." she said as her voice broke and she cried out her emotional pain and loss. She looked down at her wounds and cried harder. She hadn't cried like this since the night she got to d'Arte and she hoped Bangle didn't think differently of her.

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