We were young and innocent... once upon a time

He's asking to be smacked in the face xD

Word Count → 322

A personal summons was unusual for the male; very few actually wanted to be graced with his presence, let alone demanded that he approached the borders. It was curiosity and rash decisions that had always been his downfall and this time his curiosity demanded that he leave the comfort of the caves to see who had so brashly called upon him; before leaving he geared up, his assortment of weapons in place and his main Katana attached to his hip. With a low whistle and a few hand gestures he sent Beyaz up ahead of him to check out the area, not that the bird would do anything but look at what lay ahead; but it was an improvement, for the white crow now moved ahead as he was told. Now just to get him to return and report back... Yawning, he traipsed across the familiar territory, leisurely making his way to roughly where the call had come from. Eventually, as he drew closer and closer to the border the wind shifted, now carrying the familiar scent of a particular strange female whom he thought was a friend.. of sorts.

Burrowing his eyebrows together, he pondered what she could want so badly of him that she would leave her own pack to seek him out, but then he gave up quickly for she was already in sight and it was easier to ask the woman herself rather than rack his brains for answers he did not have. Unconsciously, he brought himself up to his full height and crossed his arms across his chest, his face as serious as he could make it. The whole masculine bravado was pointless in front of her, he knew that much from experience, but it didn't stop him from doing it. “And what can I do for you, my dear Jace” his voice took on an annoying tone, one so sickly sweet that it was somewhat taunting.

Image courtesy of clearlyambiguous@Flickr; table template by the Mentors, modified by Silver!

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