don't step on the momeraths

Orin looked hurt when her daughter reeled away from her comforting and rubbed her muzzle on her shoulder. She tried not to show it, but a flash of disappointment still made it to her eyes before she tossed the emotion aside. It was just that her daughters seemed to suddenly be growing up so quickly. There was a time when Titania would have been so shaken at being kicked by a hare - not to say that she was totally unaffected now - but she didn't huddle into Orin's embrace and whimper like the younger Titania would have. Orin longed to comfort her daughter, but Titania didn't need it as much as Orin did anymore.

She tried to shake it off. It wasn't Titania's fault that she was growing up, and she didn't want the child to know about the flash of pain that jostled her heart. It wasn't all bad, either, for intermingled with the strife was pride. Her daughter would become such a beautiful young woman... as terrifying as that sounded.

The good, parental thing to do now would probably be to insist on another hunt. To sniff out another hairy piece of food and make Titania try again. This would start teaching her daughter some follow-through, show her that she needed to be tenacious in order to achieve her goals... But this was beyond the worrisome mother. Instead of pushing Titania to try again, she was all too happy to end the lesson. “Okay little fairy.”

She laughed as her daughter plopped into the flowers, petals and pollen dusting the air around them. Sunlight glistened off of the dander that spackled the air. Orin flopped over too, going limp and falling to the right, a dusting of flower bits flying out from around her just as they had from Titania. When she sat up, there was a smear of pink and yellow on her fur; a pattern that she couldn't see on her shoulder.

“Which one's your favorite?” she asked Titania as she plucked one flower from its stem with her teeth. She stretched her neck, dropping the flower onto Titania, propping it between her ears. “I like the big sunflowers that grow in the sunny place near our home, but they get a lot of bees. Still, at least that means there's always honey nearby.”


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