May it be an evening star

I guess I'll bleed in silence

Was this love? Lubomir couldn't tell. He knew that he wanted to care for her and he feared for her life. He believed, with all his heart, that her life would not be spared. That Inferni would tear her to shreds and he would never tell her how much he loved her. Lubomir, who'd never loved before, confused deep friendship, trust and protection with love. He was worried for her, wasn't that a sign of love?

He didn't expect her to lash out at him. But if she could shout, so could he. He found himself staring down the taller female, in halfling form and growling at her. 'I lost my whole family to a pack of crazed wolves who attacked us for no reason. I lost my sister, my only sister, because I ran. I loved her. And I saw her die defending her mate.' His voice was hoarse with unshed tears, but he trudged on, 'So you're going to go fight and make me lose someone else I care about for some silly childish fancy! Ember Phoenix, I'm not your father, but so help me if I were I'd lock you in your den. Are you that cruel, that you'd hurt me?' It was low, very low. So he looked away and shuffled awkwardly on the spot. 'But I'll teach you. Because you're my friend.' Lubomir felt cheap now, for doing this to her.


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