Shiloh smiled as she heard Dawali's blessing. It was all she wanted to hear from her chief . "I will not stop calling you my chief. In my mind you will always be my chief. You gave me shelter when I was dying. You gave me a family. You have never lead this pack wrong Dawali. I respect you because of that," she said touching his fur softly. She looked out into the field and let the breeze ruffle her fur. It was a great day to be outside and she wished that she could be this calm in the village like she used to.

"Shiloh. May I request a favor?" she heard Dawali ask softly and she looked at him again. " Anything for you Dawali. What kind of favor? she asked softly, her jade eyes flashing with excitement. She was more then ready to go against the new comers. She smiled at the thought and waited for Dawali to answer

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