Colors across the sky.

Word Count:559

Nayru had always been perceptive, and having watched Melee grow from a young child into the creature she was now the Jiryu was quite apt at reading the other. Melee was reserved with her now, more so than usual. The girl had been for some time, ever since Gideon and her had officially announced their union. It seemed that when the man and lady had casually been together it hadn’t quite irked the girl the way it did now. Although what had changed beside a formal title Nayru could not pinpoint. Always she had been in the lives of Melee and Range both. The woman had watched them both learn to hunt, fish, swim… she had consulted Gideon on numerous issues and had often stayed the night in the bed of their father, as platonically as it had been at the time. Now she spent every night beside the man, and it was only this and their official titles as mates that had really changed. Yet whatever changes had or hadn’t occurred Melee seemed to take them quite personally.

Yet Nayru said not a word as Melee consented to her company and Nayru slid in beside the girl. As if she were truly there to watch the sun slip from the horizon the ivory and ebony lady quite silent, watching the natural spectacle. Even after the fiery ball was out of sight and only the remnants of a glow remained Nayru did not speak. It was only when darkness truly encased the two did she turn to Melee, her voice natural and easy and as ever almost too soft to decipher. "What have you been up to Melee?" There was an unasked question hanging in the air, and Nayru knew that Melee perhaps felt it more so than she. For whether or not Nayru could perceive the emotions of the younger girl, Melee certainly felt them. And probably felt apprehensive about them. Yet Nayru did not bring them to light.

Easily she could demand it of Melee. Why do you dislike me so? Certainly she had the right. Not only was she now the mate to whom the girl considered a father—to which Nayru felt gave her no real authority—she was the Ryu—this she knew gave her actual authority although rarely did she ever make use of it. It was neither reason Nayru felt she had a right to question the girl. Simply it was that they had known each other so long. Nayru had only been supportive to the pair of children Gideon had dragged home one day and the sudden betrayal by one of them was more hurtful than Nayru would have imagined it to be. Yet she could not demand this of Melee, so merely she questioned the girl on her day, and whether the girl wished to hear it or not, shared her own. "I've been at the vineyards most of the day. Tending to the vines. The harvest is in nearly and Siku seems to be around less and less." The last statement was said neither with disappointment or pleasure, simply matter of fact. How easily she had accepted that others came and went, and that was just the way of it. There was only one who wouldn’t leave her, and he was the father of the girl who sat beside her.

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