The Rain, The Park, and Other Things
Pearl had heard anyone approach and so was a bit startled at the sound of a male voice. She twirled around in surprise and saw a man with what she assumed was his son. She smiled shyly and looked down slightly. ”Thank you, sir.” Her voice was a bit quiet but still respectful. She was after all new here and he was most likely a lot higher up in rank than her.

She decided to try and get to know the man. ”I’m Pearl. I just came here. How long have you been here?” She also hoped for his name but felt awkward doing so. She was glad that he liked her dancing and new that she was good at it but she was also very rusty at doing so. So she knew that he was telling the truth.

”It’s been awhile since I last danced.” She wasn’t sure why she said that. But it was too late for her to take it back so she fidgeted slightly as she stood on the beach with a strange man and his son. ”Do you live near her?” She was all right at small talk but not great at it. But she hadn’t embarrassed herself too bad.

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