Call me weird
He lifted his eyes to the approaching male, arching an eyebrow in surprise. The approaching male was vaguely familiar, and yet not. Liam wondered if perhaps he hadn't just seen him wandering in the distance. Not that the boy spent too much time in the pack lands, really. In fact, it was rather to opposite. He spent a lot of time outside the pack. The whole place reeked of dreams and wishes. Liam was more into less emotional stuff. He only stayed because Ayasha knew where he was here. True, he wandered, but his home was here, for now. The butterflies often told him his first test would be here, in these lands. If he wandered away, he wouldn't find out if he were suitable for... well, for whatever the butterflies wanted him for. He knew he would purify the land of evil wolves, especially the shadow wolves, the ones who stole his mother and sisters away.

He snorted, the half laugh sending a plume of fog from his nostrils. "Dude, there ain't no help for the wicked. No rest, either." This struck him as being funny, and he chuckled. "I'm Liam." He offered his hand, feeling somewhat amiable, if not a bit ornery. He grinned crookedly at the male, his cocky attitude showing. "What'cha doing up so early?" The male was shorter than him by just a bit. He didn't have the obvious muscular build he did, but he at least carried himself like someone who wasn't a bookworm. He wasn't worth full out respect, but he wasn't worth scorning either.

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