hunting the hawk

WC: 377 OOC: Yes Niro likes to hear himself talk!

He had gotten the look of utter incredulity before. It was normal for him when his birds came to him and he spoke of them being his companion. They were both a team, as much as Gregor and Marahute (though she was not unable to hunt for herself at the moment) were and he was soon to have more, if other wolves in the pack wanted a trained animal. He nodded to her at her word, as though a friendship between wolf and raptor couldn't be considered.

“Yes he's my friend. We have been friends for nearly a year. We have a special partnership. He helps me and I help him. I give him shelter and make sure he never goes hungry and all he has to do is scout for out food. It's a wonderful combination.”

The man explained with a smile still on his face. He was a friendly wolf, up to the point where anyone would threaten any of his family or friends. She spoke of taking offense and Niro laughed. He doubted she could catch im but he shook his head holding his hand up before she could get angry at him.

“My apologies, Tobias has a way with others, he has teased them with his flight skills, you are not the first to chase this masochist around. I daresay you'll be the last either.”

The man said then bowed a little, hardly thinking she would give him her paw if he were to hold it out and shake, as she was in her wolf form, possibly unable to change, as it was in her scent but he was not a discriminator, he knew many wolves who did not wish to change even when they were Luperci.

“My name is Niro Takekuro, I'm from a pack over that way called Cour des Miracles.”

He pointed in the direction of his pack. The place he'd give his life for defending. He'd been there over a year and it was the first, and in his opinion, the only place he would ever live. His sister would know where to find him, and any friends outside the pack would too. Everyone in his pack, known or not, was family.

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Table by Meghann!


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