Spending Time With Strangers

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 363 words

Symera couldn't exactly be said to be like the others within the clan. At least not o an exact extent. She was of pure blood and had a prejudice stronger than some of the others it seemed. The girl was small but she was vindictive already. She also had a bit of a sassy mouth on her as well. One that was likely to end up getting her in trouble, not that such bothered her. Just like the child she was she spoke her mind freely. Such was made obvious by her assessment of the male.

"You smell weird." She spoke the words again. How much clearer could she possibly make that? "Others here smell weird too. I have not found another coyote here." It was the only way that she could think to describe a hybrid when she didn't know of the existence of such things. The concept of genetics was lost upon her. But then again who would really expect someone her age to even understand something as vast and complex as that?

She had no idea of the place that the other spoke of. "I am Symera Villisca. What is Crimson Dreams?" The only place that Symera had heard of was Inferni and not of any other packs. She had no idea that there were plenty of them towards the south. Actually she didn't know there was a south even. She had spent all of her time around the are of Inferni so she didn't realize that there was much more to end up seeing. That there were a vast number of landscapes to explore. Perhaps some day when she was older she would figure all of that out.

A glance was given to the hole as it was brought up and caused the small girl to unconsciously lick at her nose once again. "I do not know. I was trying to look for it but I could not see it." She looked away from the hole and back up to the male once again. "My nose hurts." The questions were answered out of order but that hardly mattered since they both had been responded to at the very least.

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