THinking of you, my love, once again
Awww! WC:5+

He was silent, wanting to pull his eyes away from her, but watching her anyways. His expression was wistful and hurt while she spoke about Shaw, but he still listened to her, still let her speak. He wasn't angry. He'd let the anger go once he'd knocked Shaw out. (Even thought it had in fact been pure luck that had landed the blow.) His heart ached, somehow feeling this gentle speech was to let him down with kindness. And yet, the blow to his heart he was expecting never came. His ears folded back slightly as she continued to speak, revealing her realizations about Shaw and herself. He drew in a slow and somewhat unsteady breath when she tugged on his hand, never realizing he'd been holding it.

She concluded her speech, and he studied her through somber eyes, weighing his words with care. "A long time ago, my mother told me about her lovers, about her past. She was able to recall each one with a pleasant smile. When I asked her how she could have so many loves in her life, she replied that a wolf could have many loves, but they would only ever have one great love." He paused, taking care to phrase his thoughts concisely. "I forgive you, Sky. I knew even before you answered you had..." He didn't complete that sentence, but continued, "I am very grateful you told me the truth. That was the biggest flaw for my parents, I think. They lied to each other. And each broke the bonds of their mateship." He gazed at her seriously, taking the time to study each of her features, most especially her eyes.

"I would love nothing more than to be your mate, Sky." He paused, then continued in a soft but unusually firm voice. "I will not be like my parents though. I will never leave you, I will never be unfaithful. And never will I take another mate or lover. If you can promise me the same thing... " He wasn't saying it to be cruel, but the male was no fool. His mother had always loved Soran best. She always regretted leaving, always regretted taking Lucifer first as lover, then mate. And the two had ruined each other. He didn't know if his mother would ever reconcile herself to betraying her one great love the way she had.

"Sky, I came here intending to ask you to be my mate." His face lifted into a warm and gentle smile. "Promise me forever, my love, and I will do the same." He moved forward, if she didn't resist, he would take the smaller woman into his arms and hold her tenderly. The words of the first song he had sang her rang softly in his mind. 'You choose the road, love, and I'll make the vow, that I'll be your true love forever.' If she accepted his insistence on forever mates, then he would need to remember more songs. Or talk to Rory. He was sure the wolfhound would know the old songs too.


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