Jigsaw [P]uzzles
Eeek! Sorry about that! I had gotten myself mixed up with the names of the birds, I assumed it was the smallest of the birds that was sat on Niro's shoulder *face palm*

The little female was glad that she seemed to have pleased both Niro and Jiva with her compliment, she had meant every word as well, if Niro was her Mommy's friend then he had to be a good wolf and he seemed very nice indeed. The patchwork girl could not deny that she was already very fond of Jiva and had started plotting out adventures and games for them to play, if he was willing he could join her and Linden, and the unnamed pale mare that she had adopted as one of their gang, he would fit right in, they could go around together having adventures and saving those that needed rescuing, a part that was usually played by Felicity, something which her younger sister never seemed to mind, she loved playing the princess and didn't seem to mind being rescued from imaginary baddies every now and again. Yes the little red male would fit into the group very nicely, he would always have playmates within the pack should he chose to seek them out, Robin was always happy to play games and imagine things, the girl had a very vivid imagination and loved making up stories and games, so she would always be able to think of something to do.

A blush touched the cheeks of the little female as the pair of males laughed at what she had said, she had not thought that it was a silly statement until they had done that, but once she heard them laughing she knew that it would have to be, she then thought of the cats she had seen pictures of in the books that littered her family home, thinking about their shape, they had no wings and always had four legs like wolves, she realised how silly she must have sounded and giggled along with them, nodding to show that she had noticed what a silly statement it must have been. She preferred to be part of the laughter, that way she was laughing with the males and not allowing them to laugh at her, although she was sure that they were not laughing to be cruel, she had simply amused them. She looked up at the alabaster male as he spoke, explaining that the enormous, sharp taloned creature that was sat upon his arm was a predator, this meant that she was designed to kill the other birds, Robin knew this, her father had explained the idea of predators to her before, explaining that cats and wolves ate rabbits and that was their job as predators, everyone had to eat something, wolves just fared a lot better when they ate meat, she knew that this was the natural order of things and that was just that. So this bird must have to eat meat as well, she looked big enough to eat her, the little female could not help but think about that as she watched the dark eyes of the large bird, she moved a little closer as the male said that she was allowed to pet the large bird. Moving slowly, still eyeing the bird with caution, she was not usually shy, she was an outgoing and often overly talkative creature, but at this moment she could not deny she was a little scared. The small patchwork girl was never normally scared, it was her job to chase away the monsters under the stairs for her sister when she was frightened and she had imagined many situations where she had to be brave and rescue damsels in distress, but this was a very real situation with a creature that was big enough to try and pick her up, even though she was a wriggling creature that would most likely be very difficult to hold onto. She approached with caution and moved to sniff the bird, deciding that she would not be a threat if Niro said so, after all he was a member of the pack and therefore family, he wouldn't want to hurt her. Awkwardly she lifted a paw and stroked the female eagle's feathered back with as much gentleness as she could manage in her four legged form, she knew that birds wings were delicate and she did not want to hurt the large creature.
"She is very friendly isn't she? How long have you owned her? Is she an old bird? She is so big, it must have taken a very, very long time to grow that big." The little female asked, she had wanted to be big and tall for so long and every time she had asked her mother about it she had been told that it would take a long time for her to grow to be her full size, so she could not help but assume that this large bird must have been very old to get to such a large size. She turned to look at the little red male again, smiling at him, "Do you help your Daddy with his birds a lot?" She asked, wanting him to be part of the conversation.

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WC: 847

Table by Erin


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