never meant to cause this drama
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WC: 360

Shawchert left his eyes on the man, watching his every move, as he set the fresh food at his doorstep... it was a nice gesture yes, but after the battle with Rurik, and the encounter with Sky, he wished Taliesin would just drop out of the universe. He wouldn't have had any problems getting her back if it hadn't been for Tal. Though it also meant Shaw wouldn't find that he truly cared for Orin, in a manner that went beyond what he felt for Sky, tbough he only felt it, he didn't know exactly what it was. He was angry at the man just because Taliesin had take Shawchert's spot, though he didn't care as much for Sky; he still had a love for her that would never die. He flared when the man started telling Shaw he deserved it. Shaw bristled, but kept his calm instead he looked Taliesin straight in the eyes.

“If you hurt a hair on her head you will wish you had never been born because I will rip your head off with my bare hands...

He opened the door a little wider, exposing his bandaged side and stepped over to Taliesin, only two steps, hovering over him, then he looked at the food and back at the white man.

“I'm sorry I'm not gay”

He said flatly, turning his back and slamming the door in Tal's face. He leaned on it, not sure what the man would do. He doubted he had enough fight in him to keep him from kicking his ass again... to think weak enough to be beaten by something like that... one who takes cheap shots. He breathed loudly, calming himself, trying to sooth the worry away and not open that door and hurl the man over the edge of the bridge. At that moment Shawchert wanted to do that. It would have been a bad idea for the protector of the pack to do something like that to a pack mate, though it gave him great satisfaction just imagining it. That was satisfaction enough to keep himself from actually doing the deed.

Table by Jenni/Kiri

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