you're bearing signs on the avenue

Ilu more, and I also love sexy things! 3+

She urged her large mount to a swifter pace, and Sirius did not have to wait long for the arrival of the Infernian hippie-princess. Sage was beautiful, as was her sister - The little darling Clover he had lured away with his Infernal silver tongue. Narrowed pupils appraised the approaching girl suspiciously. Did she seek to take her sister back? Such a shame it would be, if the tenacious maiden had come in search of conflict, for the Thistle King never gave up his prizes without a fight.

The silver moonlight mare he rode turned her head snootily from the approach of the other horse. She was a picky creature, Sirius had noticed - Fussy in picking those whom she liked, but an elegant and polite steed nonetheless. Holding her dancing under the control of one firm hand, the King sat easily in the old leather saddle. He was not as good a rider as those such as the Fae creature he now faced, lithe and pretty as she rode bareback, but his skills in the saddle were rapidly increasing.

His name was called in the sweet, familiar voice, but the barbed monarch did not allow himself to be deceived by its gentleness. His paranoia was a barking dog, forever constant in the back of that maddeningly genius mind. Sharp olive eyes appreciated the Lykoi's sweetly curved form, her cascade of hair, her easy command of the large horse she rode. For all appearances, Sage had not changed an ounce since he had seen her last. "Dearest Sage," Came the King's reply, his tenor tone oozing with caramel charm as usual.

Allowing the silver mare to glide closer, he caught the slight edge to her otherwise peaceful tone. She was not asking cruelly, but he sensed the severity in the question, and decided in a rare bought of generosity not to trifle with the girl. "You have been correctly informed, sweet Lady. Your sister has joined me in the Thistle Kingdom," A sharp, crocodilian smile offered her a glittering of hungry yellow teeth at the girl's easy compliment. Perhaps he had been wrong in assuming that she sought to take Clover - Perhaps, like her sister, she sought little more than the cunning ruler himself. As with all beautiful things, Sage set his blood to stir, but he was a sly creature and would not easily allow himself to be overcome by such whimsical attractions. "How kind! I must say, my dear, that you yourself look simply... Delectable," Narrowed pupils glittered at her, and the predatorial smile lingered.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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