Just the three of us {AW}

Sirius thought that these animals were very, very interesting. What strange ears they had! Could they hear the same way he could, or better? Their ears were huge, so he bet that they could hear better than him. The young male continued to watch the rabbit curiously until it was distracted, the wolf nearby waking up and standing. He tried to step backwards into the brush, but backed up into a tree. Nowhere to go.

She didn't look angry with him so he came out a little bit, tail beginning to twitch. "Wut are those thangs?? Pets. Wut's a pet?"He had never heard of such a thing before. Sirius had only seen rabbits in pieces that Naniko or Lucifer had brought home to him to eat...never as a whole, living thing. "Siri is alone" he affirmed. "You is alone too?"


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