Wait for me, Dream Giver.

WC:413. Homg, I'm sorry. I derped and never saw a reply to this. I need to check my threads more often .__.; Also, Giselle's a derp too.

She made no motion to move out of the position she was in, though if it came down to it the ivory girl wouldn't be able to defend herself. The frying pan loomed close to the side of her face, as Giselle stood poised to strike. Words from the stranger were barely audible as Tux shrilled into the air, also sensing that the male was not from around the area. Ears flicked forward in an effort of concentration to pick up his words, but it was clear that the young girl did not understand all of it.

But he offered a warm smile, which couldn't have been more of a sign to Giselle that he was friendly. The frying pan lowered a few inches, but she dared not move. Her frightened expression softened only slightly, now into suspicion, hearing her heart beat in her chest amidst the crash of the waterfall nearby. The stranger gave a name, and that was when her eyes roved over his form, looking for any sign of a weapon, but spotting none. "I'm Giselle... Fantasia." She gave him her last name as a sign of courtesy, as he had done the same.

The dark furred male gave another smile, and the frying pan was lowered even more, and the Dreamer girl stood up straight. Like smooth water, her gaze on the male went from suspicious to giving him a small smile at his compliment. "Oh, well thank you. You're very kind~" Her muscles, though still tense, were melting away back into her lithe form. Tux's screaming had dwindled down some, but he was more on edge than his pale caretaker. Giselle cleared her throat, and the dark stoat fell quiet altogether, beady eyes boring into the stranger's.

The young girl found the courage to move again, though it was to lean down to the damp earth and place her free hand on the stoat's back. "This is Tux. He is very brave," she noted aloud, if only to put the animal's nerves at ease. Then, to calm her own beating heart, 'Elle dropped the pan back on the ground and picked up the stoat in place, standing and cradling him to her. His fur was like silk under her touch, and her fingers gently caressed him, though the stoat's eyes never left the other. "Wh-what brings you out here, Galileo?" She smiled, albeit timidly, finally looking upon him without much fear, and noticed his gentleman-like posture and grace.

image © alecperkins @ flickr ; table by lin
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