Wheels Start Turning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Aeron was quite she felt that she need not say much. she was just here because her loyalty drove her here. She waited not moving as her head emptied of thoughts. Something seemed so wrong about going to someone and asking them this. She just wasn't sure that this was so ok with her.

Aeron watched the border as a man appeared. Her ears flattened against her head. The tone Io had made her a little sad. She seemed to know the man well enough. She couldn't bring herself to move closer as she held her horses rope.

Io spoke of her and it made her smile slightly. Nothing could change the way Io was and the way she said the things she did was what made Aeron wonder if she meant anything. but she would never question Io again, she was her everything. If that was true then she would show it.

Aeron moved towards Io and Leon she dropped the rope. She nodded looking at io, she'd do it only for her. She wasn't doing it for herself. She wasn't ready for pups again but who cared, having a family would give her something else to do. But the Iblis also had work to do gathering knowledge.

table by the Mentors!

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