Every time I look around.

I'm going by the date of the first post for when this happens, thus before the barn raising thread. optime form. | +323

The Broken Arrow Ranch came into view as he walked through the woods. He had heard the barn there had some damage from age and neglect from the lack of occupancy and Temo wanted to take a look at it. As he approached the barn, he could see some of the critters that lived there out in their pastures munching away at the grass that was trying to grow. Some looked up and eyed him as he walked past, making sure he was not after them then went back to keeping the grass from growing too tall.

As he circled around and finally spied where the roof had caved in, he knew that it would not be an easy repair. After studying the hole for a bit, he went around and opened the door enough to look in. "Hello?" he queried into the building wondering if the caretakers was inside. With no answer but his own voice echoing back at him, and no animals loose inside, he opened the door wider and stepped in.

The dust danced in the beams of sunlight as he moved down to the damaged portion of the barn. Temo looked at the pile of debris that littered the floor under the hole. He poked at bits of the wood with a claw testing how rotten they were. He found a pole nearby and poked at the roof around the hole testing how rotten the beams and roofing was. When he was done, he put the pole back where he found it and exited the barn making sure to close and latch the door the way he found it. "This is no easy job," he muttered to himself, "will take me several weeks to fix that hole." he continued muttering to himself as he started down the path away from the barn, the animals looking at him hoping he had brought food from the barn.

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