i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you

Earlier in the day she'd considered going back to the human city. It'd be risky to travel so far when things were unsure with the coyotes, but she was having trouble keeping sights on the three boys that still lived in the lands. They'd given up trying to keep them in the house; boys would be boys, and these boys loved playing outside. But she really wanted to be able to keep track of them all...so she wanted to look for some binoculars.

It was pretty unlikely that she'd find any, but even if she didn't it wouldn't be a wasted trip. She and Deuce had found an herbal shop the last time they had gone, and she'd planted an entire garden from the stock that they had brought back. She hadn't seen the matron around the lands lately, but there were still little telltale signs that she was still there; sometimes she'd go out to the garden to find that the weeds had already been tended to.

At the howl her head lifted. She had told Kansas to howl for her if he found coyotes on the border, so that she could come and chase them away...but this didn't sound like Kansas' voice. It had a familiar sort of ring to it, though. The already-shifted female turned around, starting for the area from which the sound had originated. She approached, coming over a small knoll, raising a hand up in salutation. "Pilot! I didn't think I'd see you here!" It was a good thing, though. It was really nice to keep up with what everyone was doing.

She was a bit out of breath by the time she got to him, and she breathed heavily, shaking her head. "I've been out of energy lately, sorry. I think I've caught the flu, or a cold"


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