The Last of Summer

| +218


There was a lone Italian wolf wandering through the woods. There was no particular direction that he headed other than forward. He was in no hurry to get to wherever his path was leading him. The pack he carried with him that contained the only possessions that he had was slung over his shoulder as his two feet quietly padded along the dusty trail.

Ibycus was enjoying the sunlight as it filtered through the leaves, the summer breeze as it wafted by and gently ruffled his fur. He breathed in the warm and forest scented air and slowly let it out. This was his favorite time of year. It was the time of life, when everything around him was alive. The trees and bushes were leafed out as they reached for the sun. The scents that were only produced during this time of year where everything was growing made him feel happy and full of life.

It had been a while since Ibycus had met anyone however this was a new land that he was in and everywhere he looked was a new sight for him, so he was not bothered as he was sure there would be someone appearing for him to meet. Everyone he had met so far was friendly and he hoped that the trend would continue.


Ibycus "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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