dawn of a new day
OOC:// Sorry for keeping you waiting. DX

IC:// Once closer, Aysun's eyes travelled gently over the other female's scarred coat. Clearly, like she herself, the coywolf had seen her fair share of fights. Despite the scars the woman's mottled pelt was quite attractive. Aysun found a soft smile creeping on her face as she turned to face her fully, a fish comically plopping form her maw back into the water. It quickly became apparent that the fishing canid was not a luperci in their lupus form, for her mention of her lack of thumbs and never having tried cooked fish made Aysun blink. She'd never really interacted with a non luperci before. There was always a first time for everything. "Wait, you're not Luperci?" Aysun blurted out in surprise then winced knowing that the question could come off as rude. "Er...sorry." She glanced away.

After an awkward pause the other femme asked who she was. Aysun flicked a shredded ear. "My name's Aysun, I'm new to these lands. I belong to Inferni pack." She explained, though after the few encounters she'd been having, she was starting to realize mentioning Inferni wasn't always well received. "I'm sure you've heard of us." She said softly, still wondering if she had unknowingly walked into a big mess by joining the pack she had. She would never voice those concerns out loud, but it was becoming clearer with each encounter that Inferni had a bad rap and now being part of the pack, that reputation fell upon her shoulders. "And how did you get those?" The woman was referring to her ears. Aysun chuckled a little. "From two separate fights. Both over a stupid misunderstanding." She sighed shaking her head. "And the emeralds I sifted from a river a long time ago with my parents. They helped me shape them and showed me how to wear them as piercings." Aysun reached up and fingered on of the bars that ran through her ear. It was a miracle they hadn't been ripped from her head yet. When her ears had been attacked she luckily hadn't been wearing them.

Many other scars littered the brown coywolf's body. The largest being the one along her shoulder and back, only at certain angles could the deep claw marks be seen. As she turned to watch a bird fly overhead, the light caught the silvery-white scar tissue under her dark fur, revealing the old wound to the other female. When Aysun had first gotten the wound it had nearly killed her. Thankfully she was discovered and healed by a loner with medical skills. Aysun wasn't very old at all, but she'd been through a lot. "Have you ever considered becoming a Luperci?" She then piped up, not meaning to pry, merely curious.

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