Echos in the darkness

Word Count → 310 :: Big Grin Short but sweet.

Teo smiled at the idea of having someone else join the pack. Akira seemed like a good girl, with brains to match the bronze she so desired. She wanted to be a warrior like his own beloved was. He hummed thoughtfully. Heh. You'd need a lot of patience to deal with Alaki. He's a handfull. He all but purred, obviously fond of his 'handfull' husband.

"It is pretty impressive the culture and way of relation that your pack has."

I'm glad you approve. Naniko's worked very hard on this pack. Everything we have, we owe it to our leader and the wolves who push forward to make it all possible.

After some time, the girl mentioned her concerns about the water in the cave. Teo knew better; it didn't fill up all the way in this section. They'd be plenty safe to stick around, but the girl had her mind about her to leave for the day. He nodded.

Pleasure's all mine, miss Akira. Please, come back to visit us again soon. We'll always welcome a friendly face. He didn't move to leave himself, only going as far as the mouth of the cave to wave her off. Safe travels to you.

Bye-bye, miss Akira! Camilla called from further inside the cave, waving happily and glad to have had the chance to meet a possible joiner already.

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