I'll be your Fairytail
She smiled and giggled graciously when Shawchert saw her, thinking his eyes almost bugged out of his skull when he saw her. It felt good to be admired; Orin was far too suspicious of the gaze of a man now, thinking that most were scrutinizing her body, waiting to pounce. But Shawchert didn’t look at her that way, he didn’t make her feel like that, he never made her feel paranoid. Oh, sure, he looked at her just like any man would, but somehow this was… different. Her eyes mirrored his admiration.

“Thank you,” she said in an uncommonly shy tone, and glanced back at her daughters for reassurance before formally returning; “You look nice too. I’m ready whenever you are.”

She took his hand, her tiny fingers entwining with his large mitts. “You heard your father, girls. No sneaking off.” She wondered if they would listen, or try to sneak out anyway. It was most likely that if either of them were going to try to slip away it would be Juliet, but then again with these wild cards either of them could be the instigator. If they went, they’d probably go together.

It was inevitable that one of the noise alarms would be set off tonight, but Orin hoped at least it would be a long time until then. The girls were so excited for her that they would probably reign themselves in for a little while at least. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at her daughters again, a flash of loving caution in her eyes. “You ladies are free to play in the Terrace all you want, just be careful. I trust you.” And then she stepped outside, closing the door behind her. By now, her daughters had learned to work the door latches, even without hands.

“Noise alarms?” She asked Shawchert with a smile. “Nice touch.” She appreciated the extra security. It was getting harder and harder to watch over her little ones. They were growing more independent and resistant to her care every day, and as Orin’s responsibilities to the pack increased, she found time with her children waning. At least this way they would know that the Terrace was safe. Now, as long as the girls stayed in the Terrace, they would be secure, too.

“So where are we going?” She wondered where he would take her, her imagination flipping through pages and pages of fantasies she’d once been so enamored with. She never read anymore - guising it as a lack of time – but she still loved the fairy tales, and still wanted Shawchert to be her Prince Charming.


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