The pitter-patter of little feet...
Oh noes, poor tal. LOL WC 333

The pale male was in the process of moving his books to Sky's house. Rather, their house. Everything he'd done at his own house was easy enough to set up in her house as well. He left a note for Liam letting him know about the new arrangements. He didn't know if the boy would come or not. He paused on the porch to pick up the skin he often sat on to write, then made his way back to the house he now shared with Sky. He set the books down inside of the doorway. He could see his mate sitting on the couch with Casper next to her, and he smiled, his tail wagging. "A couple more loads, and I'll have all my books here. You owe me a herb garden, though."

He grinned crookedly at his mate, letting her know he was teasing. He settled on the couch next to her on the opposite side of the goat and slipped an arm around her. Theirs was a casual intimacy, one that came naturally. He supposed it had even at first, when he'd found her on accident and comforted her. He nuzzled her neck gently, then asked her softly, "What are you thinking about, my love?" Then again, if he knew what it was she was thinking.... he might not have asked. He had seen the disaster that was half siblings and step parents. Azza, Kira's son, had killed Liadain and almost killed Liam and Brighid. That was why they'd fled, that was why Brighid had frozen to death on their way here. That was why he let everyone believe Kira was dead, why he pretty well believed it himself. The way the crazy woman had lived, she might as well be dead. He was the only one who knew otherwise, and it would stay that way until he died. He didn't want to go through that again. He didn't think Liam would do that, but one never knew, did they?


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