Blessed hands

Blue eyes tried to watch every move the new wolf made, as well as study the native to see her reaction. She said only a greeting, but there was no real fear in her face. No more then what Anu could see in the lighting. Yet, Anu was silent. She didn't know this male, for all she knew this could be another follower of Maska. He knew her name, and it burned in her ears. She did not wish for them to all know of her, and yet she stayed vulnerable and ignorant. The Dreaming leader eyed him wearyingly, but she did not have the energy to keep her body stoic. Her muscles strained, screaming legs telling her that she could no longer stay seated upright.

She reluctantly laid onto her stomach, teeth grinding together from the pain. Anu groaned lightly. I should trust you? She asked, looking at his back. Anu did not know what to think, to believe and who to trust. She did not touch his warm tea, waiting for the others first.


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